Introduction To FinOps Workshop
All Tracks and Workshops : 1100 ILS + VAT
Modern C++ Workshop: 2300 ILS + VAT
In this 1-day course we will learn about the practice of FinOps. FinOps, made out of Finance and Ops is bridging the gap between traditional finance & procurement and the Operations teams (DevOps/Engineering). By promoting values like spend accountability and functioining as a centralized entity responsible for allocating costs, optimizing usage and better utilizing money invested in the public clouds, FinOps becomes a crucial part of cloud organizations who wishes to continuosly improve and control one of the biggest expense IT and software organizationg are paying these days.
Intended audience
Finance, DevOps, Desicion Makers, Procurement, Engineering and IT.
- Basic understanding of public cloud services and consumption – required.
- The basic certification level for each cloud provider – perfect.
- Cloud Computing and its Impact on IT
- DevOps & Cloud
- The Challange of Cloud
- What is FinOps?
- The New Cloud Reality for IT
- FinOps: Changing the Model
- Adopting FinOps
FinOps Principles and Concepts
- The FinOps Framework
- Improtant Concepts
- FinOps Practices
- FinOps Stakeholders
- Personas
- Teams
- The Six Domains of FInOps Capabilities
- Domains Overview
- Understanding Cloud Usage and Cost
- Performance Tracking and Benchmarking
- Real-Tiem Decision Making
- Cloud Rate Optimization
- Cloud Usage Optimization
- Organizational Alignment
- Tools
- Activity
- Practicing FinOps Capabilities
- Motivations and Common Language
- Understanding a Cloud Bill
- Anatomy of a Cloud Bill
- The FinOps Team
- Running the FinOps Team
- Inform Phase
- Inform Phase Overview
- Reporting
- Data in the Path of the Engineer
- Anomaly Detection
- Benchmarking
- Cost Allocation
- Accounts, Taxonomy, and Tags
- Forecasting and Budgeting
- Optimize Phase
- Optimize Phase Overview
- KPIs & Outcomes
- Primary Ways to Optimize Usage
- Optimize Usage
- Optimize Rates
- Operate Phase
- Optimize Phase Overview
- Aligning Teams
- Containers and Shared Environments
- FinOps and Other Methodoligies
- Successful FinOps Practice
- Maturing FinOps
- What’s Next?